Конференции ISSMGE

Президенты ISSMGE

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International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering

Международное общество по механике грунтов и геотехнике


The ISSMGE is the pre-eminent professional body representing the interests and activities of Engineers, Academics and Contractors all over the world that actively participate in geotechnical engineering.

As a truly global organisation, the ISSMGE provides a focus for professional leadership to some 90 Member Societies and around 20,000 individual members.

The aim of the International Society is the promotion of international co-operation amongst engineers and scientists for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in the field of geotechnics, and its engineering and environmental applications. Benefits of membership include:

• possibility to submit papers to many conferences and symposia 
• lower conference registration fees 
• possibility of membership of one of 30 technical committees working on specific topics 
• access to work of ISSMGE in various fields of activity, including Education, Communications,
   Technology Transfer
• opportunities to demonstrate leadership in Technical Committee, conference and other activities 
• opportunities to build lasting world-wide relationships 
• a clear demonstration of interest and professionalism in the field of Geotechnics 

ISSMGE has 86 Member Societies worldwide representing 18000 individual members. These include practising engineers, teachers, researchers, and equipment designers and manufacturers. The Society also has 23 corporate associates from industry. 

The ISSMGE policy making body is the Council, consisting of two delegates (one voting) from each Member Society, which meets every two years. The President is elected for four years and is assisted by the BOARD which consists of the six Regional Vice-Presidents, the Past President, three appointed members, and the Secretary General who is responsible for the day-to-day conduct of the affairs of the Society 

International Affiliations 
ISSMGE is an affiliated member of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) which is itself a member of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU). 

Close relationships are maintained with ISSMGE sister societies, the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM) and the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG) via the Federation of the International Geo-engineering Societies (FedIGS).

Quadriennial International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ICSMGE)
Five quadriennial Regional Conferences 
Specialist International Conferences, Symposia and Workshops 
Regional Young Geotechnical Engineers' Conferences (YGEC) 

Technical Committees 
Some 700 individual members are directly involved in ISSMGE activities through membership of one of the 30 full International Technical Committees. Each Technical Committee is concerned with a specialist area of geotechnics, and its work may lead to: 

• a specialist conference, symposium or workshop 
• a review report for discussion at a session of an International or Regional Conference 
• a report or paper for inclusion in the Proceedings of an International or Regional Conference 
• a separately published volume of papers, or a state-of-the-art or review report 

Membership Enquiries 
Anyone wishing to become a member of ISSMGE should contact their local Member Society. In case of difficulty contact the ISSMGE Secretariat. Organisations interested in becoming a Corporate Associate of ISSMGE should contact the ISSMGE Secretariat.



Адрес:       City, University of London, Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB. United Kingdom
Телефон:   +44 20 7040 8154
E-mail:       secretariat@issmge.org

Генеральный секретарь
проф. R.N. Taylor