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On behalf of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), the Algerian Geotechnical Society (ALGEOS) in collaboration with the Water, Environment, Geomechanics and Structures Laboratory (LEEGO) of the University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB) are pleased to invite you to the 18th African Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering to be held in Algiers, Algeria from Sunday October 06 to Wednesday October 09, 2024.

По специальному приглашению The Organizing Committee of 18ARC on SMGE Т-воСибГт-в планирует принять участие в The 18th African Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering in Algeria.

The Conference Scientific Committee рассмотрел абстракты докладов принял для включения в Программу конференции доклады председателя Т-воСибГт-в Л.В. Нуждина, председателя Совета директоров Т-воСибГт-в М.Л. Нуждина и председателя Экспертно-консультационного совета Т-воСибГт-в А.Б. Пономарева с соавторами.

Т-воСибГт-в приглашает своих членов, членов РОМГГиФ, других геотехников и всех заинтересованных лиц рассмотреть возможность своего участия в работе The 18th African Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering in Algeria. Полагаем, что это будет доступно, интересно и приятно!

Algeria, located in North Africa, is the largest country on the continent, known for its rich history and diverse landscapes. It is characterized by its Sahara Desert expanse, Mediterranean coastline, and a mix of cultural influences from Arab and Amazigh. Algeria's diversified culture and nature has so much to offer visitors who are looking to experience its charm.

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Техническая программа конференции:

Laboratory testing and soil characteristics and properties

In- situ testing and site characterization

Unsaturated soils

Lateritic soils

Ground improvement

Soil dynamics and geotechnical earthquake engineering

Shallow and deep foundations

Landslide, slope stability and embankments

Underground space and deep excavations


Geotechnical Infrastructures

Design and Modelling

Numerical analysis of soil-structure interaction

Geoenvironmental engineering

Geotechnical reliability, risk assessment and management


Engineering geology and rock engineering

Case History

Investigation of foundations of historical structures, buildings and monuments


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