2nd All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference
Т-воСибГт-в напоминает всем специалистам-геотехникам, что 16-18 октября в Воронеже состоится Всероссийская конференция с иностранным участием «Использование современных моделей в механике грунтов, геотехнических расчетах и фундаментостроении», посвященная памяти Д.М. Шапиро. Первый информационный бюллетень на русском языке можно посмотреть на сайте Т-воСибГт-в в разделе «События товарищества» 08.06.2023 или в Телеграм-канале «Новости ГЕОТЕХНИКИ».
October 16-18, 2023
2nd All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference
in memory of Professor D.M. Shapiro
The theme of the conference is devoted to one of the main directions of modern theory and practice of geotechnics and foundation engineering. Numerical methods and nonlinear calculations are ways of implementing rigorous theory solutions in applied soil mechanics.
Conference program:
Keynote reports (5-7 reports)
Thematic sections of the conference:
1. Theory and calculation models of soils, problems and experience in solving geotechnical problems
2. The application of fractional calculus in modeling and solving problems of the soil structure interaction
3. Experimental studies of soil foundations and geotechnical systems
4. Actual constructive and technological solutions of modern objects in geotechnics
Conference venue: Innovative Business Incubator after Prof. Yu.M. Borisov, Voronezh State Technical University, 20-Letija Oktjabrja Str. 84, Voronezh, Russia
Participation with a report is possible in person or on-line. The duration of reports, including discussion, is no more than 15 minutes. Reports should be prepared in the form of Microsoft Power Point presentations.
Applications for participation in the conference and abstracts of reports are accepted to E-mail: nlsm@cchgeu.ru and on the conference website https://nlsm.cchgeu.ru/
The Book of abstracts will be published in electronic form. There is no registration fee for participation in the conference and publication.
For those who wish, following the results of the conference, materials can be published in one of the following journals included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:
- News of higher educational institutions. Construction (Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Sibstrin)) http://izvuzstr.sibstrin.ru/
- Russian Journal of Building Construction and Architecture (VSTU) https://vestnikvgasu.wmsite.ru/
- Structural mechanics and structures (VSTU) https://cchgeu.ru/science/nauchnye-izdaniya/stroitelnaya-mekhanika-i-konstruktsii/
Important Dates:
September 10, 2023 – early registration deadline;
September 25, 2023 - abstract submission deadline;
October 5, 2023 - notification of abstracts acceptance;
October 16-18, 2023 – conference.
The free excursion to the Princess Oldenburg's Palace will take place on the October 18th. The Princess Oldenburg's Palace also known as Ramon Palace was built in 1883-1887 and is registered as an object of Russian cultural heritage. All information of interest about the conference venue, accommodation and travel is available on the conference website: http://nlsm.cchgeu.ru